Catarina Oliveira

Küschall Ambassador

Catarina Oliveira
"The wheelchair doesn't stop me, it just frees me and allows me to live every day freely”

Küschall Ambassador

Catarina Oliveira was born in Oporto and is in the final year of her Nutrition degree. At the same time, she has a DJ team, a YouTube channel, and is an ambassador for "Associaço Salvador."     

Four years ago, Oliveira was diagnosed with inflammation in her spinal cord, which forced her to start using a wheelchair. Everything in her life changed as a result of this, and now, after adjusting to her new reality, she aspires to change people's attitudes toward disabled people.

Being an ambassador for a brand like Küschall is very rewarding because, in her words, "all of us who need a wheelchair in our daily lives understand the importance of having quality, durable, and reliable materials and I get it all from a Küschall wheelchair.” 

One of Oliveria favourite quotes is: "the wheelchair doesn't stop me, it just frees me and allows me to live every day freely." She considers it essential to have a brand like Küschall in her daily life.